
Love the chin you're in

Creating a beautifully contoured silhouette below the chin.

BELKYRATM (also known as Kybella in the United States) is an injectable drug used to reduce the fat in the submental area, also known as the area beneath the chin. This non-surgical treatment uses deoxycholic acid – a naturally occurring substance found in the body – to destroy the membranes of fat cells, creating a beautifully contoured silhouette below the chin.

The chin area can be prone to fullness – collecting and holding fat that is often resistant to diet and exercise. Sub-mental fullness is also known as fullness, fat under the chin or a “double chin” is a manifestation of aging of the foundation of the skin, muscle, bone and fat. This can impact both men and women and is influenced by several factors such as aging, genetics, weight gain and occur in any body type.

Factors beyond your control:

Whether we are conscious of it or not, everyone notices the chin area. A loss or lack of definition in a person’s chin profile is commonly caused by one or more of the following three factors:

  • Aging– The aging process can bring unwelcome changes that contribute to the appearance of fullness under the chin. These include extra skin, accumulation of fat, and loosening of the surrounding muscles.
  • Genetics – Genetics plays a role in the development of fullness under the chin as demonstrated by younger adult patients who have extensive fat deposition and a recessed chin. These changes are inherited and independent of aging but will tend to worsen with the addition of the normal aging process.
  • Weight Gain – Weight gain can also contribute to the appearance of fullness under the chin. Most individuals tend to gain weight as they age and a moderate weight gain may result in increased fullness under the chin area.
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  • Quick & easy treatnebts
  • No surgery required
  • Safe & effective
  • Long-lasting results


Belkyra is the first and only Health Canada approved injectable treatment for the improvement of the appearance of fullness in the area under the chin, and is considered very safe when injected by a highly trained and experienced practitioner. The risk of allergic reaction in properly screened patients is low. 

The treatment is typically well-tolerated, though Dr. Yadav may administer a local anesthetic for added comfort. You may feel an uncomfortable stinging or pinching sensation that rises and quickly resolves. We will apply a cold compress to help with the discomfort.

Many patients will notice visible improvements to the appearance of their chin profile in two to four treatments.

Some patients may require up to six treatments. tOnce your desired results are achieved, additional treatments will not be needed. 

Belkyra is an innovative beauty breakthrough and first-in-class aesthetic treatment for both men and women who are bothered by fullness under the chin and wish to improve the appearance of their chin profile without surgery.

Downtime is minimal and occurs most commonly after the first treatment session. As with other injectable treatments, you may experience mild to moderate side effects including swelling, bruising, redness, pain, numbness, tingling or itchiness and a sensation of warmth. You may experience a sensation of hardness across the treatment area or in small areas within the treatment area. Some patients also report headaches after treatment.